SOS4LOVE Project 2020

WEEK 1 The message I wrote is " The seas and rivers are clean from trash and waste " related to SDGs number 14, namely life below water. I conveyed the message because I felt sad to see the sea and rivers full of trash. Even though under water there is also life like human life on land. In the sea there are lots of aquatic animals such as fish, crabs, jellyfish, squid, octopus, and there are also coral reefs and seaweed. They are all living things like humans too. But now many people do not care about life under water, people throw garbage at will without thinking about the impact on the animals and plants under water. As a result, many fish die from waste poisoning or other aquatic animals that die from being caught in the trash, and some even eat the garbage accidentally. Most of the garbage dumped into rivers and the sea is plastic waste which is difficult to de...